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Transitioning from Military Service to Civilian Roles: Crafting a Resume That Works

Article Created, Sourced, and Edited From Online Information - Utilized ChatGPT 3.5 By Keith Hannaleck


Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be daunting, especially when navigating the job market. Military veterans possess a wealth of skills and experience that are highly valuable in civilian roles, but effectively translating these attributes onto a resume requires careful consideration and strategic planning. This article will explore how military veterans can best showcase their qualifications and experiences on a resume tailored for civilian employment.

Identify Transferable Skills:

Military veterans often acquire diverse skills during their service, including leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and resilience. These skills are highly transferable to civilian roles and should be prominently featured on a resume.

Utilize online resources such as the Military Skills Translator tool provided by websites like or, which can help veterans identify how their military skills align with civilian job descriptions.

Customize Your Resume:

Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for by highlighting relevant skills and experiences that align with the position's requirements.

Use civilian terminology rather than military jargon to ensure clarity and understanding for civilian employers. For example, instead of using military-specific acronyms, provide descriptions of your roles and responsibilities in plain language.

Emphasize accomplishments and quantifiable achievements to demonstrate the impact of your work. For instance, highlight leadership roles, awards, promotions, and successful missions or projects.

Focus on Relevant Experience:

While military experience is valuable, not all aspects may directly apply to civilian roles. Focus on highlighting experiences most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Include any additional training, certifications, or education acquired during military service relevant to your desired civilian career path.

Seek Assistance and Feedback:

Take advantage of resources from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or non-profit organizations like Hire Heroes USA, which offer resume writing workshops, job placement assistance, and career counseling services tailored specifically for veterans.

Consider seeking feedback from mentors, fellow veterans, or professionals in your desired field to help refine your resume and ensure it effectively communicates your qualifications.

Highlight Soft Skills:

The civilian workforce highly values soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Provide examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in various situations during your military service.

Incorporate relevant soft skills into your resume through both your summary/profile section and in the descriptions of your experiences and accomplishments.


Transitioning from military service to civilian roles requires careful planning and a strategic approach to resume writing. By identifying transferable skills, customizing your resume, focusing on relevant experience, seeking assistance and feedback, and highlighting soft skills, military veterans can effectively translate their roles and experiences onto an outline/resume that resonates with civilian employers. Remember, the transition may take time, but with persistence and the right resources, military veterans can successfully embark on a new chapter in their civilian careers.


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